Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Fever

Sunday March 16, 2008

Ok, so it’s been awhile, I’ve been really busy. I quit the construction company (finally) and now I’m working for one out of only two orthodontist in town, Dr. Nord. I answer phones, make appointments and man the front desk. I haven’t actually met the Doctor yet, he’s been away on sick leave but I hear he’s pretty shy. All the girls are very friendly, much better than my last office. I actually have people to talk to and a person to train me. I started last week but Monday will be my first real day. It’ll be Dr. Nord’s first day back in 4 weeks, so I’m imagining a pretty stressful week.

This Spring Break was definitely the best ever. Dusty and I drove 15 hours to Idaho then 3 hours to Salt Lake and 18 hours back home. (Personal Note: Next family vacation we’ll absolutely be flying) It was so much fun to see all the places and things Dusty did during his summer vacations in Idaho. We went snowmobiling one day (not my personal favorite.) We got caught in a snow storm on the mountain and I gradually found out my coat was NOT water proof. So by the time we got back I was completely soaked and covered in ice.
On Monday we drove down to Salt Lake and stopped by the Logan Temple. It’s one of my favorites. It was just so peaceful and beautiful. In Utah we got to do a session in the Salt Lake Temple which is something I’ve always wanted to do since I was little. The detail and art work was so amazing. Everything there was hand carved and hand painted it was just breath taking to see all the work and intricate detail the saints did to make it a spiritual place.

Dusty told me to look pretty for the camera.

I also went skiing one day while Dusty snowboarded. Just a little advice, if you haven’t been skiing in almost 8 years you might want a refresher class before you hit the slopes. I discovered I wasn’t very good at stopping, something you need when going down a very steep hill.

Wednesday Dusty and I drove down to Provo to see BYU and hang out with my Jillie Billy and Kyle Weaver. I love the Weavers! They took us to Red Robins an amazing burger place. I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates a finely grilled burger and all you can eat fries. And finally we went out to a REAL movie theater. One with true stadium seating and that had more than 45 seats.

Dusty four-wheeling at Grandma and Grandpa Long's

Lynus after a run through the cow pasture

Dylan and Andin snuggling with Mira

Over all I'd say this vacation was definitely worth every penny. The ride home was alittle depressing. There was gradually more and more snow until finally we hit a snow and ice storm right outside of Fargo. It knocked 6 cars into the ditch, 2 of which had rolled. So back to wonderfully cold North Dakota. There’s some hope of spring. We can finally see patches of grass!!


Pierson family said...

I love how you guys went to another snow filled place for your spring break, ha ha. PS It was a lot of fun hanging out we should go it again sometime.

Andrea said...

Lucky! i want to go to the Logan and salt lake temples so bad! I am glad that you had fun! How are you guys?

Jon said...

Boooooorrrrriinng!!!! No really sounds like ya'll had a lot of fun. Can't wait to get up there.

Borton Family said...

We (I) am home. I have been waiting for pictures. I will try to call you tonight. I got your message I was still in the Big Apple.

Marc and Jennifer Farmer said...

That is one cool snowboard! Who ever helped you get it must really be awesome.