Friday, May 29, 2009

Six Weeks Old!

Friday, May 29, 209

We are so excited, Samantha is already 6 weeks old!! Time has flown by and she is getting SOO big! :( I wish she would stay tiny forever, but I’m happy she’s growing big and strong. As of today, she now weighs 9 pounds 1 ounce, which is awesome because she struggled to gain weight after we left the hospital. Now she is gaining more than ½ an ounce a day! Mostly because she eats like a lion. Honestly, do not let this girl go hungry for more than 2 minutes or she will vocalize her complaints in a loud screaming manor. The longest she has slept is 6 hours, the best 6 hours sleep of my life. However, we have only done that twice because Samantha does not like to skip her midnight snacks.

I can’t complain, we have been blessed with a very sweet, happy baby. She definitely prefers to be held every minute she is awake and would rather sleep in Mom and Dad's bed over her own, but that's fine with me because I love holding and snuggling her. And the best part is, she gives us plenty of smiles all the time I just wish I could catch one on camera.

Here are some pictures of our sweet Samantha:

1 week old

2 weeks old

Our first Sunday, 3 weeks old


Borton Family said...

WOW, Go Sammi!!! I am so glad that she has gotten bigger. I cant wait to see her again. I loved hanging out with you guys.

rubarb said...

She is so beautiful...makes me not want to wait any longer....