Friday, July 10, 2009

Roll Over, Roll Over

I finally caught her! I told Anna that she rolled over five times the other day and when Anna came home she wouldn't do it. She did it for Megan Roylance (our wonderful friend/sitter) but not for Anna. Well today she was at it again. She did it twice before i could get the camera turned on. Here is our big baby girl.

Here are some other pictures that Anna took yesterday while I was at school. Sam loves to be outside.

I love her little pointy toes. Anna says she will be a dancer but i say she will be a soccer player.


Holly Erhard said...

I think she is sooo adorable! I can't belive how big she is getting already! WOw the time really FLIES by!

Cassie said...

She is such a good roller. Caleb is just learning about tummy time now and I tried the boppy trick and he didn't know what to do. Lol. I'll have to show him the video so he can take some pointers from his cusion.

Anonymous said...

What a SWEET smile!!! That last pic is simply adorable. Why can't she be a soccer player AND a dancer? Anna, you'd make a great soccer mom in your awesome minivan you'll own someday.