I finally caught her! I told Anna that she rolled over five times the other day and when Anna came home she wouldn't do it. She did it for Megan Roylance (our wonderful friend/sitter) but not for Anna. Well today she was at it again. She did it twice before i could get the camera turned on. Here is our big baby girl.
Here are some other pictures that Anna took yesterday while I was at school. Sam loves to be outside.
I love her little pointy toes. Anna says she will be a dancer but i say she will be a soccer player.
I think she is sooo adorable! I can't belive how big she is getting already! WOw the time really FLIES by!
She is such a good roller. Caleb is just learning about tummy time now and I tried the boppy trick and he didn't know what to do. Lol. I'll have to show him the video so he can take some pointers from his cusion.
What a SWEET smile!!! That last pic is simply adorable. Why can't she be a soccer player AND a dancer? Anna, you'd make a great soccer mom in your awesome minivan you'll own someday.
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