Monday, July 27, 2009

A Weekend Drive

Monday, July 27, 2009

Last weekend Dustifer and I took a drive to Lake Itasca. It was a perfect day: bright, sunny.... chilly, horrifically windy…. Wait are we talking about March?? No, not in North Dakota, it’s the middle of JULY!

Lets just say Samantha spent the whole time wrapped in several blankets, under an umbrella to block the wind. This is how she enjoyed the lake….

But the drive was pretty :)


Friday, July 24, 2009

A VERY Belated Birthday to America

Friday, July 24, 2009

Things have been quite busy here at the Butler home and of course I'm just now getting to our 4th of July post. But have no fear, we had a GREAT day! It started out with some manual labor on Dusty's part. He helped a friend roof their house. Then we went to the park for some good ol’ grilling and homemade ice cream delight. Did I mention that Dusty has become a professional ice cream maker? I might even say his ice cream is better than Blue Bell... that's right I said it.

The day really got fun when our good friends the Pierson's let us go for a ride in their plane. It's an RV7 Acrobatic plane that they built themselves, quite snazzy! It can do flips and rolls, Dusty even did a few himself. And now, as expected, Dusty has been conspiring ways for us to buy our own acrobatic plane, maybe one day honey.

That's right, I made her bow, and pretty darn proud of it!
Of course, the 4th of July wouldn't be complete without some fireworks.....

Samantha's first experience watching fireworks

I think she was alittle surprised, but two minutes after this picture she passed out. She had such an exhausting day the next morning she slept in until 9!!!

Samantha's first incounter with a boy... hold his hand.....

Now pull his hair, boys are yuckie.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Roll Over, Roll Over

I finally caught her! I told Anna that she rolled over five times the other day and when Anna came home she wouldn't do it. She did it for Megan Roylance (our wonderful friend/sitter) but not for Anna. Well today she was at it again. She did it twice before i could get the camera turned on. Here is our big baby girl.

Here are some other pictures that Anna took yesterday while I was at school. Sam loves to be outside.

I love her little pointy toes. Anna says she will be a dancer but i say she will be a soccer player.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change is Hard

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our poor little puppies, since Samantha came Dusty and I haven't paid much attention to Mira and Lynus. They're no longer the babies of the house, now they're just dogs. And Lynus was feeling alittle left out this evening. I sat down to fold some laundary and turned around to find this....

Lynus curled up in Samantha's Boppy like a little dog bed.
And again five minutes later...

I still think Lynus is the cutest puppy ever!