Sunday, March 30, 2008

Home of the Brave

Sunday March 30, 2008

Last week Dusty was awarded a full tuition scholarship. In accepting he was contracted into the UND Army ROTC. We are so excited to be one step closer to our goals!

This is Dusty being sworn in.

As an initiation they made him do push ups.


Andrea said...

Congrats! I am happy for you guys! that is so great that you guys are reaching your goals. hope things are going well. how are you guys?

Borton Family said...

Glad that it finally happen. Way to go you guys. William miss you guys. Parker I dont think really knows you.

Shellie said...

That's so great Dusty was sworn in. I can't wait until we get to do that! Jon is having a hard time with the whole push up thing. He can do 20 really well but he has to build up more stamina. All I can say is that we will have some sexy lookin' men for a long time! Woohoo. LOL

Pierson family said...

I wish I would have taken my camera when Dallin was sworn in. They took a bunch of pictures but I don't know how to get them...We got our internet back so I'm excited

Jennifer Tyler said...

Yay! I found your blog! And here's the latest news...I started a blog too. I feel like such a good Mormon.

Borton Family said...

update now missy!!!