Monday January 28, 2008
Today Dusty’s Meteorology teacher gave the class a severe warning about the weather. Tonight it’s expected to get down to -30 with a wind chill of -60 and gusts of 45mph wind. This is life threatening weather. So will classes be canceled tomorrow??
Nope. Maybe in Texas but not here.
I'm very excited because I hopefully have another interview on Wednesday. As some of you know I'm not to happy with the Construction job but I plan on sticking it out as long as I have to. The interview is in Fargo which is an hour and half away but the job is here in Grand Forks. So keep your fingers crossed for me!!
10 months ago
Well good luck! You will have to let me know how it goes!! Oh and by the way where did you get that picture? Do you have any more? Can you send any pics that you have of Jon and I to me? I am trying to finish our scrapbook before the baby comes and takes over all of my free time. :-)
Well, good luck on the job interview! I hope you get it. I couldn't imagine what it will be like for you in the summer with the sweaty construction guys.
we miss you dork!!!
this is a test. how cold can you go?
whoa. sorry to hear that the hammer swingers are no fun to work with. live and learn i guess. good luck on the interview. who is the potential employer? How is your heating blanket working? Its sort of cold. mom says to give Mira and Linus a hug and Gray a good spankin!
I went to Nashville this week for a 1 day meeting. The second bathroom is still under repair. WHAT A MESS. Mom loves the's her favorite!!!
Grandpa B is coming next friday. We hope to have it done by then... we might need a miracle.
Chin up and knock'em dead. Go Anna. Dusty, you might want to check out Jeannine's blog.
The entry about Macy's talk in church is hillarious.
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