Monday, March 29, 2010

I'd rather be in Idaho

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Oh I'd rather be in Idaho than any other place I know. Idaho Ida-Idaho"

Spring break 2010. Definitely not Mexico but just as fun. Dusty and I were starting to feel the inevitable North Dakota cabin fever. We desperatly needed a vacation and real sunshine. But being college students we can't afford a real vacation, yet. So where do you go that has free room, delicious food and loads of fun? Grandma's House!

We drove over night so Samantha could sleep and it worked perfectly. A 16 hour car ride never went so fast. She slept almost the whole time.

Of course it wouldn't be Grandma's house without the four wheeler. It looks cold but was still warmer than North Dakota! Dusty rode the four wheeler all over the place, including through the old cow fields, and yes in the cow pies. We took Samantha for a ride and she fell asleep!

The Roylances came down from Boise for a visit. We let them ride the four wheeler and they let us win a game of Settlers. One day I'll beat you Phill.... one day!

Samantha LOVES Grandpa Long. She would just sit next to him on his chair and rock. She especially loved when Grandpa sang songs, Pony Girl is her favorite. I'm so happy we took her to meet Grandma and Grandpa Long. It means so much to Dusty to share his favorite memories with her.

Dinner at Red Robin with Dusty's cousins and Aunt. Mmmm... I LOVE Red Robin

Samantha met her cousin, Caleb. They had lots of fun together.

"Uhhh, why you touchin' my foot?"

Dusty showed me ALLLL the places he used to work, including here. I took a picture so we can always remember the Power Lube.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Military Ball

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yeah for Mill Ball. We attended Dusty's ROTC Military Ball this weekend. I love any excuse to dress up and be fancy. But this year was even more fun, maybe because I didn't go last year (being 9 months pregnant and all).

I won't bore you with details. Basically we socialized for an hour, ate a delicious fancy dinner, listened to an interesting speaker, then did a little dancing. Dusty and I left early hoping to get some desert on the way home which, turned into a disaster due to bad service. But I still had so SO much fun. Dusty was a real gentleman all night, he looked so handsome in his uniform. I'm already excited to get dressed up again next year!

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And Then There Were Two

Wednesday, March 25, 2010

I had to take this one while Dusty was gone.
Don't worry, we won't go out in public like this. It's purely for my personal entertainment.

Funny Faces

Look at those lips! I don't know where she learned this face, but it sure is cute. She does it all day long.

Plus, Sammy's first ponytail!
It didn't last long but I'm so excited she's finally getting hair, even if it's a mullet.
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring - Please Hurry

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I know what you’re thinking, “That’s a BRIGHT background. I’m gonna need sunglasses to read this blog” Yes, I thought the same thing. But then I realized, its March, 20 degrees outside, and we’re expecting snow on Monday. I’m might need something bright and colorful if I want to stay sane till spring.

But at least the snow started melting this weekend. I actually saw pavement in the ice rink where we park our car. And….. grass! I SAW GRASS! There’s hope. Spring isn’t just a seasonal cycle, it’s a Glorious Miracle given to the people who live in North Dakota.

On a happier note, Dusty and I are going to Idaho for spring break. I’m so excited! I can’t wait for Samantha to meet Grandma and Grandpa Long and a few cousins and hopefully some old friends. Plus I desperately need a break from Grand Forks.

And here are some fun pictures, just because she’s so cute…

Samantha at 10 months old.

Helping Mom with laundry.

Sam LOVES looking inside the washing machine, so Dad gave her a boost. Unfortunately she's not so helpful at folding the laundry, unless you like clean clothes all over the floor.

PS - I'm not even going to tell you how long it took me to figure out this photo collage thing.