"Oh I'd rather be in Idaho than any other place I know. Idaho Ida-Idaho"
Spring break 2010. Definitely not Mexico but just as fun. Dusty and I were starting to feel the inevitable North Dakota cabin fever. We desperatly needed a vacation and real sunshine. But being college students we can't afford a real vacation, yet. So where do you go that has free room, delicious food and loads of fun? Grandma's House!
We drove over night so Samantha could sleep and it worked perfectly. A 16 hour car ride never went so fast. She slept almost the whole time.
Of course it wouldn't be Grandma's house without the four wheeler. It looks cold but was still warmer than North Dakota! Dusty rode the four wheeler all over the place, including through the old cow fields, and yes in the cow pies. We took Samantha for a ride and she fell asleep!
The Roylances came down from Boise for a visit. We let them ride the four wheeler and they let us win a game of Settlers. One day I'll beat you Phill.... one day!
Samantha LOVES Grandpa Long. She would just sit next to him on his chair and rock. She especially loved when Grandpa sang songs, Pony Girl is her favorite. I'm so happy we took her to meet Grandma and Grandpa Long. It means so much to Dusty to share his favorite memories with her.