Little Miss Samantha has been a busy girl in her first 6 weeks of life. She’s already been on her first road trip to Texas where she met Grandma and Grandpa Borton and Grandma and Grandpa Butler and all our Aunts and Uncles. Samantha also got a very special blessing from her Dad. Yay!!
We decided to take it slow this time and took two days to drive down. She did great in the car, much better than I expected. She slept the whole time we were driving but then was awake all night, you can’t have it both ways right. We had so much fun seeing our family and friends, I just wish we could have stayed longer to soak up more of that Texas heat (only with the air conditioner on next time, Mom :) Us North Dakotans are NOT used to the Texas summer and humidity. Here in Grand Forks its only 65 degrees! But I did LOVE all the southern cooking, BBQs and brisket, and yummy Mexican food… mmm mmm! Samantha loved it too, except she has developed an allergy to cows milk. Which means I can't have any food that contains milk, milk products, cheese, or butter. What food doesn't have any of those three things??? Basically nothing! Including all cakes, ice cream, cookies, pizza, chocolate and all other essential food items. Good thing Dusty isn't on this diet, he would crack after 1 day.
Here are some photos from Samantha's Blessing day:
All the girls
My Mom and Samantha
All the Grand kids from my family
Samantha was not happy about taking this photo
This one is my favorite, she looks so peaceful